Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Review: The Triumph of Caesar

The Triumph of Caesar
The Triumph of Caesar by Steven Saylor

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Hieronymus, Gordianus' Massilian friend, sums up what I think of The Triumph of Caesar (p.288): "You used to appreciate a puzzle, Gordianus--the more baffling, the better. What's become of your powers of deduction? Gone to Hades, along with your powers of observation, I suppose."

Maybe it was the author's intention to lay down the groundwork for Gordianus' eventual retirement. After all, he has been Rome's number one private investigator for three decades. But still, I found the plot a little thin (But I still love you, Gordianus!). And the story's villain! I knew it was him, but I refused to believe it until I read his name. He's too insignificant to figure in the twist, I suppose.

I do hope with all my heart that this is not the last (in the series). I gave The Triumph of Caesar three stars because I know that there will be plenty of room for improvement in the next book. I hope...! (cross fingers)

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