In case you're wondering about the cockney, this is an influence of all these British authors I've read recently. All meaning two heehee--Zadie Smith and David Nicholls.
What does cockney have to do with this film I'm referring to, you ask. Well, based on my last post, I was able to finish Nicholls' One Day and thought it was a fine read. There were parts that were a little bit trite, but I found myself wanting to finish it asap (especially in the middle toward the end part). There were a lot of parts, in all fairness, that were that good. And because I enjoyed the book, I was curious about the film (naturally!). Thanks to Youtube, I was able to watch the trailer.
Apparently, the film was directed by the same director of "An Education," which I really liked. Based on the few scenes I saw, it was not bad. I think that it was pretty faithful to the book (the dialogue, at least).
So here comes the B-U-T. Anne Hathaway's accent! She was supposed to be Emma Morley, who grew up in Northern Britain and has (duh) a thick Northern accent. According to the book, and correct me if I'm wrong, her accent softens as the story progresses (as she spent most of her time in London and all). But still, British accent, British! Anne Hathaway, based on the film clips, sometimes had a British accent (which I thought was so affected it sounded weird), and sometimes had her usual American accent! It was like watching Princess Diaries all over again! (I apologize for the exclamation points, can't help it)
Splitting hairs? I don't think so. If they can't deal with something as "minor" as an accent, I can't see why I should watch it at all. Kind of ruins the mood for me.
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