Thursday, March 15, 2012

Review: Matched

Matched by Ally Condie

My rating: 2 of 5 stars

I was excited when I first saw a copy of Matched at a local bookstore (beautiful cover! post-apocalyptic world heroine! young adult genre! trilogy!).

I was so excited that I immediately asked the bookstore lady to reserve a copy of Crossed (book of two of this trilogy) for me, so I could immediately read it after I finish Matched.

Boy, was I disappointed.

Sure, the plot was promising and the book had some clever, thought-provoking moments. But I found the writing style to be contrived and trying hard. Because the writing focused on the melodrama, there was little left for characterization. This is a young adult novel after all, and I was supposed to feel happy (giddy?) for the characters in their "declaration of love" scenes. But I felt nothing. And that, for me, was the saddest part.

Needless to say, I cancelled my reservation for Crossed at the bookstore. Maybe I will just see how Disney (which apparently bought the book rights) interprets this for the big screen.

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