Monday, April 16, 2012

Review: The Temple of the Muses

The Temple of the Muses
The Temple of the Muses by John Maddox Roberts

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

There's a great deal of running in this book, with Decius Metellus escaping from quite a number of enemies. The setting of the story was in Ancient Egypt's Alexandria, made even more exotic by the author's vivid descriptions.

The plot was okay; I liked the story's details (e.g. description of Alexandria, the dialogues, the characters esp. the Metellii) better. However, there were many many parts which I found exceedingly funny. Decius is turning out to be quite the comic.

The Kindle format of this book, however, was as imperfect as an adolescent's pimply face--there were so many typos. Hope the subsequent books in the series will have better e-book versions.

View all my reviews

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